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Democratic Republic of the Congo - May 2021


Dema Dimbaya is assisting Zapenda with relief efforts related to the eruption of the Mount Nyiragongo volcano in which several thousand people are now displaced due loss of homes, livelihoods, and infrastructure. Zapenda is fund raising to purchase relief items locally that will assist those impacted by the natural disaster.

Once logistics is restored to the area, Dema Dimbaya will ship additional relief supplies.


Background on Zapenda:


Zapenda, an African-inspired clothing brand with a mission to provide employment for talented African garment makers. Our production facility is located in the Democratic Republic of Congo's South Kivu province. This is an area where thousands of families are vulnerable to food insecurity on a regular basis due to decades of instability.

Update: The donations from the Go Fund Me campaign were able to assist 102 families with food and emergency supplies.

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